Service Experience Knowledge
100% Tasmanian Owned & Operated
As an Insurance Broker, we act for you. We tailor insurance products to
suit your needs not just offer “off the shelf products” as sold by Direct Insurers or over the WEB.
For Personal and Reliable service, ring your local Broker.
Our Team of Brokers has over 100 years of experience in the local Tasmanian Market, servicing and valuing
all types of clients both large & small, assisting with Claims, recommending and offering the right Insurance.
What it means for you – see ‘Service Page’

About Us
We at Tasmanian Insurance Brokers offer to all our Clients both old & new, the experience and service they require WHEN they need it.

Our Services
As General Insurance Broker, we offer a comprehensive range of products. You can talk to someone local who knows the local environment.

Breakdown of your invoice charges:
- Premium – the amount that the Insurer gets to pay claims
- FSL (28%) – State Government Charge (based on Fire Section of Premium)
- GST (10%) – Commonwealth Government Charge (may be re-claimed) (based on P+FSL)
- Stamp Duty (10%) – State Government Charge (based on P+FSL+GST)
- Broker Fees – May be charged in lieu of or in addition to Commission – depending on amount of work undertaken.
- Commission – As shown on your Invoice – pays for the cost in running our Business and bringing our Services to you.